Simone at home


Of all the travel blogs, on all the world wide web, you clicked onto mine. Well, Welcome!  It’s not lost on me that there are countless blogs on this topic for you to choose from. The adventure seekers, the wanderlusters, the travel community as a whole has become broad and vast and in some ways overwhelming. But I think we can agree there is something to be said about this rapidly growing group and why our hobby has become a social media phenomenon. The majority of us ventured out on personal journies that concluded with a deep-rooted connection to this world, the souls who walk among it and felt the shift within our own spirit. Therefore, we want to share and encourage all of you to go after your own story as we’ve seen the reward that comes from it. So if I’m fortunate enough that you’re on a browse at Simone Goes Soul-O, I hope it’s because there was something about my story that connected with you, from one soul to another. In which case, my whole reason for beginning this blog journey has already reached its weight in gold.


Simone Goes Soul-O will feature my ongoing journey, past and future travel, spontaneous escapes, and the never-ending curiosity to discover the places that will feed your soul. Highlighted with personal travel stories and photography, recommendations of the less frequented corners as well as the local spots, restaurants, markets from around the world. It is meant to be interactive, featuring the stories of fearless travel pals and strangers alike who will share their soul-o experiences as well as helpful tips to pass along to you. It will also include travel must-haves, weekly reading recommendations and offer the encouragement to get the passport stamp from your dream destination. In between my soul-o trips, I will use my home base which has become the ultimate travel destination for so many: New York City. The goal is to empower and inspire those who, deep down, connect with the wandering spirit, a nomad lifestyle and who feel the pull of discovering places outside of what they know.


Won’t you come along?

